Can I Borrow a Pen 10/4/10
"Do you have a pen I could borrow?"
"Of Course"
What am I supposed to say. I welcome the attention. You have given me all the power in this conversation I can either be nice or mean. On a good day I will say yes because what's a fifty cent pen worth to me when I have plenty. On a bad day I 'll say yes too, I mean why would I want to make someone equally as miserable as I am on that given day.
I welcome your presence. We now have a bond between us, a shared pen. That one pen poured my heart out when it was at it's weakest and fueled the fires of my creativity. Now that same pen is copying notes, finishing last minute homework, whatever it is that you are doing next to me but nonetheless there is a bond between us now that you have my pen.
I walk away from my seat next to you in the hall where I found comfort, and you ask me, "want your pen back". I pause to think, still knowing you have no pen of your own. I say, "Nahh It's okay". Who am I to stifle your creativity. You will go to class, you will take notes, doodle, and maybe write something. I would hate to want to write and not have a pen. The pen is your's, just remember me if I ever need a pen.