I Should… 3/1/12

I should open my eyes, I really should. I can't. If I open my eyes and she's not there then it was all just a dream gone in that moment of realization and it can never be reclaimed. If I never open my eyes it never ends. The back of my eyelids are a sanctum, as long as I hide behind them her beauty never fades, the monster goes away and the shadows stop taunting me. It was so real, so crisp, so turbulant with emotion that if I was not staring at the back of my eyelids at this moment I could have sworn she was just there. I squint harder to keep the fleeting thought, when I feel a breath roll down my neck. My eyelids can no longer protect me, either her beauty still breaths or my monster didn't go away...


Of Kings and Fairy Tales 4/1/12 & 5/3/12


Life of an Ant 10/27/10